More details on our upcoming 2024 webinar series will be released soon! Exclusive access to webinar information and registration will be available on The Live Well Hub so don’t miss your chance and sign up here!
As we bid farewell to 2023, we wanted to reflect on the incredible webinars delivered throughout the year.
The 2023 webinar series, ‘Finding Hope with Overcoming MS – series 4’, featured experts from around the world covering a range of topics on how to live well with MS. It played a crucial role in bringing together our global community, giving them the tools to live well with MS.
Over the year, an incredible 3,773 people from across 61 countries registered to watch our webinars.
We hosted a range of guests, who delved into important aspects of living well with MS. We heard from Dr Veronique Gauthier-Simmons about accessible movement and Dr Phil Startin about mindfulness for stress management. We held ‘Ask the Expert’ sessions with award-winning neurologist, Dr Aaron Boster and nutritional therapist, Sam Josephs, allowing our community to ask those important questions about the Overcoming MS Program.
Brett Drummond from MSTranslate presented the latest MS research from the 2023 ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS conference. We celebrated our wonderful volunteers with a special webinar during Volunteers Week.
In July, we broke webinar records with over 1100 people registering for our ‘Ask George’ webinar, enabling the community to connect, share and learn with Professor George Jelinek, the founder of the Overcoming MS Program.
The feedback from our webinars has been overwhelmingly positive:
“These webinars are so informative. I have received more information in 90 minutes than I have in a long while. They are very useful for me as a husband with a wife who has MS, I appreciated the honesty and directness.”
“This has been so helpful and I have been following the Overcoming MS Program for 9 years!”
“Every question provided me with new and essential information. The webinars have shown me that there is LIFE with MS.”
You can watch all of the above webinars, and more, here.
We are excited to announce the launch of our new community panel webinar series for 2024, ‘Living Well with MS’.
This series will feature a panel of expert guest speakers and Overcoming MS community members, bringing to life the Overcoming MS Handbook – Roadmap to Good Health, which was written by the community for the community, and edited by Professor George Jelinek, Dr Sandra Neate and Associate Professor Michelle O’Donoghue.
This new webinar series will provide you with expert advice, real-life experiences and community support. You can find more information about the Handbook here.
More details on our upcoming 2024 webinar series will be released soon! Exclusive access to webinar information and registration will be available on The Live Well Hub so don’t miss your chance and sign up here!