To take the survey, please follow this link.
Sue Tibbles has been following Overcoming MS for 9 years, and believes mindfulness is a key part of the program. But for other OMSers, it’s one of the most difficult elements to incorporate into daily life. As a registered MS nurse now studying for a Masters in the subject, Sue’s on a mission to find out why.
Sue is looking for all UK citizens with an MS diagnosis to take part in her research, by completing her short survey, can you help?
Click here to complete the survey – it only takes 5-10 minutes!
You don’t need to have any experience of meditation or mindfulness to take part in this important research, whether you meditate daily or are struggling to make this practice part of your regular routine, Sue would like to hear from you. The survey only has 20 short questions, so 5 minutes of your time will make a big difference to this study!
As anyone who follows Overcoming MS knows, meditation and mindfulness are one of the 7 key pillars of the program. These practices have major benefits in terms of reducing stress, improving sleep, and aiding concentration. Just a few minutes of meditation each day can significantly help with mental health and wellbeing, which is particularly beneficial for people with MS given that stress can trigger the release of hormones that cause inflammation.
But for many OMSers, who haven’t meditated regularly before, meditation is one of the most difficult lifestyle changes required by the program. Nurse Sue Tibbles, whose own mindfulness journey began shortly after she began following the Overcoming MS program more than 9 years ago, wants to understand why this is.
And so, Sue is set to embark on some fascinating research in a bid to find out more. She is studying for a Masters in Mindfulness and is currently working on her dissertation, which will be based on the responses of OMSers in the UK and their own experiences with meditation and mindfulness.
That’s where you come in. Sue is looking for people with MS who are actively following the Overcoming MS program and are registered citizens of the UK to share their stories. If that sounds like you, all you need to do is fill in Sue’s survey and let her know how you have found incorporating the practice of meditation into your life – whatever your experience has been.
Here’s a short video of Sue, taken at the recent Overcoming MS 10th anniversary event, to explain more:
To take the survey, please follow this link.