Read the latest Overcoming MS news, blogs and stories. Discover ideas and inspiration to help you live well with MS.
Some people choose to use a guided meditation app to help them meditate and so we've asked the community for their favourite apps.
Dr Jonathan White explains the results of a new study that might help reduce fatigue in people with MS.
Blog from Dr Sandra Neate from the NEU who spoke on this fascinating topic at the Edinburgh Event in June.
Ibudilast is commonly prescribed in Japan for the treatment of asthma and stroke, and is currently being investigated as a potential treatment in progressive forms of MS.
Based in Blenheim, New Zealand, Circle Ambassador Bradley Patrick shares his story of enjoying the challenge of taking on an ultramarathon.
“No one changes unless they want to. Not if you beg them. Not if you shame them. Not if you use reason, emotion, or tough love. There’s only one thing that makes someone change: their own realization that they need…
“I took the leap. And you can too. Don’t hold back because of MS.” Chris shares her story.
Investigators at Imperial College London demonstrated a link between certain blood lipid levels and increased levels of both disability and inflammation in people with RRMS.
Dr Jonathan White explains the results of a 10 year prospective study into disease modifying drugs treatments for pwMS.
On 13th December 2018 I became the winner of Antarctic Ice Marathon, considered one of toughest marathon races in the world.
We are delighted to share some news with you today. OMS is endorsing the policy report, Brain health: time matters in multiple sclerosis.
Just over a fortnight ago a group of more than 30 people from the MS community came together at the Gawler Foundation in the Yarra Valley just outside Melbourne to attend the most recent Overcoming MS residential retreat.
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