Find the answers to all your Overcoming MS related questions
This section answers questions about the OMS Program as a whole, including how long it takes to work, what improvements to expect and more.
Step one of the OMS Program focuses on diet. Find answers to your questions about meat, dairy, flaxseed oil supplementation and more.
Exercise, physical activity and generally moving your body is an important part of living well with MS. Find out what types of exercise and movement are beneficial, how frequently to exercise and more.
Answers to common questions people have about the benefits of stress management, including meditation, how to get started and how to develop a regular practice.
Key questions about sunlight exposure and vitamin D supplementation are addressed here. Everything from dosage strength of vitamin D to duration of sun exposure is covered here.
There are a number of medications used to treat MS, some more common than others. Get answers about taking medication, side effects, benefits and more.
There is a genetic element to MS. Here we answer questions around family and MS, including questions about pregnancy and reducing your family’s risk of developing MS.
Overcoming MS is an independent charity and we rely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our important work sharing the Overcoming MS Program with every person with MS around the globe.
An Overcoming MS Circle is a collection of like-minded people who all share the desire to make positive lifestyle choices and live a better and healthier life with MS. Find answers to frequently asked questions here.
If you or a family member have been recently diagnosed with MS, it is perfectly normal to have a lot of questions. Find out the answers to some commonly asked questions about MS here.
Here we answer commonly asked questions about MS symptoms, associated conditions, types of MS and more.
Answers to questions relating to the Overcoming MS website.
A place on our website where you can find all the answers to miscellaneous frequently-asked questions about multiple sclerosis.