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About MS

There is real hope that you can live well with MS. Helping you understand the condition.

MS symptoms

MS symptoms vary from person to person. Read our guide covering many symptoms experienced by people with MS to help you understand the condition.

Types of MS

The course and symptoms of MS can vary greatly from person to person, however there are five types of MS used to categorize the condition.

The type of MS is identified by determining the pattern of symptoms a person is experiencing. Pinpointing this pattern of symptoms helps us understand how a person diagnosed with MS may be affected over time.

Click the links below to learn more about the different types of MS.

New to Overcoming MS

What are the next steps?

At Overcoming MS, we are here to share the evidence-based lifestyle changes which can help you to live well with MS. If you’re new to us, visit our page to help you find out how to get started.