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07 July 2022

World MS Day 2022

What is your hope for World MS Day?

World MS Day 2022

Today is #worldmsday 2022!On a day that brings the global MS community together to celebrate global solidarity and hope for the future, it’s a time to celebrate our very own OMS community too.

A celebration of our diversity:

  • whether you are newly diagnosed, and just learning about the transformative impact that lifestyle decisions and the OMS program can have on MS.
  • whether you have fully incorporated the OMS program in your daily choices for many years, or in part, sometimes.
  • or whether someone you love has MS and you want to support them in making changes, because you understand it can help improve health and wellbeing – theirs and yours.

We are united in our differences and our understanding that we can take control of our MS, and that there is hope that we can live full and healthy lives with MS, together.


Linda's story

20 years ago, I was diagnosed with MS. Virtually overnight, I went from being in the prime of my life to bedridden, incapacitated and devastated.

The doctors told me there was nothing I could do. It really was a terrifying time.

I was fortunate because I was then informed about the Overcoming MS program, and the information had a profound impact on my life.

I started following the program straight away and slowly but steadily over time, I started to feel better.

Following the Overcoming MS program completely transformed my life. It gave me back control and empowered me to make, and stick to, healthy lifestyle choices.

Setting up Overcoming MS

After such a life-changing experience I felt a responsibility to share information about the program with others.

That is why I set up the charity, Overcoming MS, ten years ago.

You are why we run regular webinars, produce a podcast, have local support groups worldwide, and more.

It’s the community that is the heart and the soul of our organization.  No matter where you are in your OMS journey, you are who we are and what we’re all about.

Please join us in helping to inform, support and empower more people with MS for the next ten years and more.

OMS volunteers, donors and fundraisers are all vital in our work and hugely valued.

What you can do for World MS Day
Will you show your support for #WorldMSDay as we begin to celebrate a decade of helping people with MS?

Use the hashtag #tenforOMS to share your hopes for the next ten years or more. What is your hope for your own Overcoming MS journey? What do you hope the charity will achieve for you and others?
Donate on our website. You could also ask 10 family and friends to do the same!
Sponsor or join other OMS fundraisers by setting yourself a personal challenge and JustGiving sponsorship page.

On behalf of the Overcoming MS team, thank you for your support on World MS Day – together we really can make a difference.