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Evolution Stories: MS Makes Me

In his new series of short films, rider Andy McKenna hits the trails with friends to put his struggles with multiple sclerosis into perspective. In this episode, he is joined by Dr Jonathan White, fellow MSer and medical advisor for Overcoming MS.

Watch 'MS Makes Me'

In this short film, Andy McKenna explores the Tweed Valley with first-time mountain biker Jonny White. Cyclist, husband, father, doctor and fellow MSer, Jonny balances all these things with his role as medical advisor at Overcoming MS. The Overcoming MS Program promotes a positive lifestyle and helps people with MS live long, healthy lives, which is a lifestyle Andy and Jonny are thankful to have found.

In the workshop, on the trails and over the finest cup of trailside coffee, the pair talk about some of the ways they manage the disabling effects of MS, the lessons MS has taught them, and the realisation that what they’ve learned may be equally important to everyone, not just those affected by multiple sclerosis.

Jonny and Andy are who they are because of MS and the outlook, lifestyle changes and holistic strategies that Overcoming MS has helped them realise. More than simply a pill or an injection, their lives are shaped – and they believe saved – by a set of changes that help the healing power of the mind and body to work together.

We are so grateful to Andy for shining a light on the Overcoming MS Program through this powerful film.

A tale of change and adaptation through the Overcoming MS Program

This short film takes a deep dive into the therapeutic effects of escaping everyday life and spending time outside in nature for your mental health. In this episode, we also meet Jonny’s wife, Jenny. Ably guided by Andy’s wife Aneela, through them both we see another dimension of the uncertain story they find themselves scripted into.

This is a gentle tale of change and adaptation – two of the most predictably unpredictable themes of life, right? The familiar saying of ‘man conquers all in the face of adversity’ doesn’t particularly apply to this story.

Finding resilience isn’t always easy: MS never stops. But like many people facing difficult challenges, Andy and Jonny keep going, keep finding the positives and focusing on ways to look after themselves, support their wellbeing and supporting those around them, because that’s where they’ll find the fuel to fight another day.

Photo credit: Andy McClandish