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Dave’s Story of Hope

Dave from the UK has been following Overcoming MS since 2011.

“I need evidence before I get involved with anything. I can’t just read something, as I had in the OMS book, and just believe it. By going on the OMS website I found that the evidence was there to back up the statements in the book and that persuaded me to get going with it.

“It took about nine months before the changes started to kick in. I really would say to anyone starting the diet, persevere and it will have benefits, but don’t expect anything too quickly. I had a long-term view that this would help to make me to feel better. I’m very positive, not just for me but because my family are healthier.

“I’m benefiting from OMS and so are my children. I’m really positive about the future and looking forward to our children having healthier lives, in effect because I’ve had MS.”