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Chia Seed Breakfast Pot

This is a great Overcoming MS-friendly breakfast option that you can prepare the night before and then just top with your favourite fruits and nuts in the morning. This recipe was kindly sent in by Karen.

Time 10 hrs
Skill Level Easy

Ingredients List


Serves 1
  • 3 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 150 ml non-dairy milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • seasonal fruit for topping
  • nuts for topping


  1. The night before, mash the banana in a bowl or clean jar and combine with chia seeds. 
  2. Mix the milk, cinnamon and vanilla and pour over the banana and seed mix.
  3. Stir to combine all the ingredients and leave in the fridge overnight.
  4. The following morning, top with your favourites fruits and nuts such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, passion fruit, sliced almonds, chopped walnuts or hazelnuts.  

This recipe was kindly sent in by Karen. Her cookbook Eat Well, Live Well is available to buy here.