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Soy Yogurt

Use soy milk made from whole beans to make this delicious soy yogurt.

Time 12 Hours
Skill Level Intermediate

Ingredients List

Serves 1
  • 1 liter soy milk
  • 1 tbsp honey (important ingredient for the culture to work)
  • 1 pinch non-dairy yogurt culture (or use some soy yogurt)


  1. Heat milk and honey to 45º C (just warm enough to dissolve honey).
  2. Cool to 40º C and stir in culture.
  3. Pour into jar and leave in warm place over night.
  4. Wrap in a towel and place in hot water cupboard.

Thanks to the three Ks – our forum members Kashu, Kaybe and Korimako – for the delicious recipe and ideas.