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Vegan Labneh

Labneh is a thick, strained yoghurt usually used in Middle Easter cuisine almost like a cream cheese. This is a vegan friendly version.

Time 4.5 Hours
Skill Level Easy

Ingredients List


Serves 1
  • 1 bottle soy yogurt (natural)
  • 1 tsp salt


  1. Bottle of natural soy yogurt, i.e. about 1 cup.
  2. Add 1 tsp salt or more to taste and mix together.
  3. Put in a piece of fine cloth, e.g. muslin, and string it up on a cupboard door handle with a bowl underneath. Leave for several hours, around four, or until you remember it later. Tip the ball into a bowl and scrape off any leaving on the cloth.
  4. Wash the cloth straight away.


  • Taste with coriander, mint, parsley, zaatar, chives or spring onion.
  • Labneh is used as a yogurt spread and is commonly paired with pita bread, toast, and veggies.
  • Soy yoghurt − Tonzu Soy is a good one but whizz it first to get it to yogurt consistency.