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Front cover of Overcoming MS book

Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis book

Professor George Jelinek's original book, Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis: The Evidence-based 7 Step Program is available for purchase online.

About the book

Professor George Jelinek has completely rewritten the book, taking into account the rapid expansion in medical research on MS and related fields over the past few years.

The main principles of the Overcoming MS Program haven’t changed, but they are now presented more clearly and in more detail in a seven step program.

The new edition reviews the findings from clinical studies Professor Jelinek has led into lifestyles of several thousand people with MS around the world.

It also includes a very thorough overview of the latest clinical literature, which increasingly supports the Overcoming MS Program.

There is also new information on genetic factors in MS, and lifestyle factors.

Even if you are already familiar with Professor Jelinek’s work and previous books and the Overcoming MS Program, you will find much that is new in this second edition of Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis.

Where can I find the book?

You’ll find this book in print at local bookstores and online (print and e-book) at leading booksellers such as:

Or, feel free to Google the title to see where it’s available in your area.