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S2E21 How to juice up exercise for people with MS with Trevor Wicken

Episode 27: How to juice up exercise for people with MS

Trevor Wicken is the founder of The MS Gym, the largest and most comprehensive platform for movement and mindset training for those living with MS and other neurological conditions. Since its inception, it has transformed the lives of thousands of people throughout the world. To read more about The MS Gym and Trevor’s story, please click here.


Questions covered:

  • What is The MS Gym?
  • Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, where you’re from, and the journey that brought you to launching The MS Gym?
  • How is your fitness philosophy particularly tailored to people with MS?
  • What’s so important about exercise for people with MS and other neurological conditions?
  • How is your approach different from the type of support a person with MS might get from a PT or personal trainer?
  • What are the biggest obstacles to getting people – with or without MS – to adopt a regular exercise regimen?
  • How do you personally suggest overcoming these obstacles?
  • For the people you serve under The MS Gym umbrella, how do you measure their success or progress?
  • If you could articulate one specific outcome that five years from now, looking back, you can say you really nailed in your work through The MS Gym, what would that be and why?
  • In trying to better understand the person behind The MS Gym, what motivates or inspires you as a human being?

Useful links:

The MS Gym

MS Gym Free Exercise Guides

MS Gym Link Tree

About Trevor Wicken