Find out what to eat to live well with MS
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If you’re a beginner, welcome! This quick introduction to the Overcoming MS diet is for you! .
Professor George Jelinek pointed out the amazing statement in Neurology, the journal of the American Academy of Neurology, at the end of 2022: there is sufficient evidence to recommend a healthy diet as an adjunct intervention in MS. Overcoming MS has been promoting the importance of diet for people with MS for many years. Read on to discover how to eat well for MS.
Switching to a plant-based, wholefood diet that is rich in omega-3 while excluding dairy and minimising saturated fat intake is critical in recovering from your symptoms and living a long, healthy life.
The Overcoming MS diet provides a wide variety of foods to enjoy, including fruits, grains, fish and seafood and dairy alternatives. Check what you are encouraged to eat and what should be avoided on the Overcoming MS diet.
Following a healthy diet is important in improving symptoms and preventing the progression of multiple sclerosis.
Here we have picked out some useful pages to help you with adopting these lifestyle changes. Find out about getting started with the diet and discover tips for continuing to follow the diet.