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What are the next steps?

If you have been diagnosed with MS, we urge you to learn more about how making lifestyle changes through the Overcoming MS Program can help you.

Being diagnosed with MS can leave you uncertain about your future— but there is strong evidence to suggest that diet and lifestyle can improve MS outcomes. We want to share how the Overcoming MS Program and charity can help you make lifestyle changes using a comprehensive and holistic approach.

The course of MS varies greatly from person to person, but without any lifestyle or medical intervention, MS symptoms typically progress over time.

Where to start: discover lifestyle changes that can help your MS

Visit our introductory page if you have been diagnosed with MS and are new to Overcoming MS,  and find out how to get started with us and how we can help you with your MS.

Discover the Program: discover the lifestyle changes you can make to help you live well with MS.

Connect: Get inspired by others, and join the Live Well hub

Join the Live Well Hub connect with like-minded people following the Overcoming MS Program You will find emotional and practical support from others who understand MS. Making positive lifestyle changes is easier if you do it together.

Explore real stories of people who are following the program. Every person following the Overcoming MS Program carries with them their own story of hope. Their experiences can be comforting and provide real insight into how you can lead your best life.

Overcoming MS pattern

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