Find useful resources for improving and managing your mental health.
Receiving a diagnosis and living with MS can mean you also experience mental health conditions, and living with these alongside MS can be a challenge.
For people with MS, depression is the single most important factor affecting quality of life – even more so than disability or fatigue. Another common MS symptom can be anxiety. Stress and anxious feelings can affect the body’s ability to fight disease, so it’s important to learn ways of managing anxiety levels as much as possible.
A 2020 study published in the European Journal of Neurology concluded that people with MS are two to three times more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than the general population. Depression is very common amongst those who are newly diagnosed.
This hub is a space to find out more about others experiences, use free resources to help take control of your mental health, as well as a list of mental health specific charities who can support you further.
We have lots of insightful pages and resources that cover tips and ideas to help towards your mental health. This includes free guided meditations and a monthly meditation calendar to help maintain regular meditation practice. It is also important to surround yourself with people who understand your situation and can support you. Our Overcoming MS Circles which you can find on the Live Well Hub, offer you that support and understanding. Keeping your body moving, no matter how much can also be beneficial for your mental health, so try out some of our free guided exercises.
Australia: Lifeline – 131114 or Samaritans – 135247
Canada: Crisis Services Canada – 18334564566
France: Suicide Ecoute – 0033 145 39 4000
Germany: Telefonseelsorge Deutschland – 0800 -111 0 222
Italy: Samaritans – 800 86 00 22
New Zealand: Lifeline New Zealand – 0800543354
South Africa: Lifeline Southern Africa – 0861 322 322
USA: Mental Health America – 1 800 273 8255
UK and RoI: Samaritans – 116 123
Rest of world: These links are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world.
Although we have lots of advice, tips and resources for you and your mental health, we are not a specific mental health charity. However there are lots of amazing charities out there, ready to help and support you.
The Live Well Hub is our brand-new app, where you can connect with the whole Overcoming MS community, to provide each other with support, advice and friendship. You can also joining a Circle, an Overcoming MS support group, if you choose to.
What our community members say: “I thought I could do Overcoming MS alone but I now understand the importance of community”.
Around half of those with MS will experience depression at some point. So, Overcoming MS and 5 other MS charities have worked together to create a joint mental health and MS policy position, to better understand the mental health experiences of the MS community, and what can be done to ensure everyone can access support when they need it.
In May 2023, we are urging the UK Government and the NHS to implement our new recommendations to improve mental health support.