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Overcoming MS Fundraising FAQs

Overcoming MS is an independent charity and we rely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our important work sharing the Overcoming MS Program with every person with MS around the globe.

I have a question that’s not answered here?

No problem, just drop us an email to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you.

Does my donation go towards the MS Society / MS Trust / MS UK / MS Research or any other MS charities?

No, Overcoming MS is a separate and independent charitable organisation.

Can I put the money I fundraise towards a particular project?

We aim to reach as many newly diagnosed people with MS as we can, and so we really like your donations to be ‘unrestricted’. This means that you are not restricting what project or country your fundraising and donations are spent on. It also helps our work to be more efficient by reducing our administration costs, making your money and donations reach more people. We’re happy to discuss this in more detail: [email protected]

Can I get a letter of authorisation for my fundraising?

A letter of authorisation outlines that you are officially raising money for OMS.. You may need a letter like this if you plan to do a street collection or want to ask for prizes. Email [email protected] and tell us your name, address and what you are doing to fundraise so we can send out the letters to you.

How do I claim Gift Aid on the money I raise?

As a registered charity, OMS is allowed to claim back an extra 25p on every £1 donated to us in gift aid. For us to be able to claim gift aid you need to check the sponsor or donator is a UK tax payer, record their home address, postcode, donation amount and make sure they tick the Gift Aid box on your sponsor form or web page.

I’m in the US / Australia / Canada / New Zealand / Europe, how do I donate?

You can head to our Donate page, and select your preferred currency to make your donation in.

How do I send in my fundraised donations?

If you have raised funds offline you can put the money in your bank account and then donate online here: Please leave a reference in the notes box with your name and fundraising activity so we can add this to your record and thank you.

What if I don’t meet my minimum fundraising target?

We ask for a minimum sponsorship amount so that we can offset the cost of the places in your event. In the worst case, the charity can lose money if the minimum amount isn’t raised. If you’re struggling with getting sponsorship, please get in touch and let the Fundraising Team know, we’re experienced fundraisers and we have plenty of ideas to help you out!

What fundraising materials can you send me?

We have OMS-branded t-shirts, running vests, balloons and flyers explaining about OMS and what we do. Get in touch with [email protected] to request these. We also have a page of downloadable resources that you might find useful here:

How do I set up an online fundraising page?

Depending on what country you’re in, you can set up a page with JustGiving, Everydayhero or Crowdrise. You can follow the steps on this page.

How do I set up a regular gift?

We’re working on getting our regular giving set up on our website and we hope to launch this at the end of 2019. In the meantime, if you would like to set up a regular gift, you can do so through JustGiving’s donate button which gives you a monthly option.

Can I take part in a challenge for you?

Absolutely! There are two ways of doing this. You can either take part in one of the events that we promote on our website: or you can find your own event, get your own place in it, and then just use it to fundraise for us. Whatever you choose, just let us know what you’re doing so we can support you along the way.

I want to fundraise but I don’t know where to start?

That’s what the fundraising team are here for! Have a look at our events page to see if anything catches your attention You can also download our fundraising guide for lots more ideas and more detail about what’s involved. But mostly, drop us a call or an email and we’d be happy to have a chat about some ideas.

Why are you asking me to fundraise?

Overcoming MS is an independent charity that receives no statutory funding. We therefore rely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our important work sharing the Overcoming MS Program with every person with MS around the globe.