Read the latest Overcoming MS news, blogs and stories. Discover ideas and inspiration to help you live well with MS.
With many plant-based and vegan diets growing in popularity, we explore the similarities – and the differences – between the Overcoming MS diet and veganism.
Knowing when and how to communicate an MS diagnosis with colleagues can be challenging. Here, one OMSer shares how they approached the task of sharing information about the condition with their employers.
Jenny shares her experience of disclosing and talking to her friends about MS.
Hannah shares her latest publication, which incorporated some of the data collected from a previous survey completed by OMSer's, on the topic of psychological support in MS.
Living with a chronic illness can be difficult enough, without the weight of feeling a sense of responsibility to disclose it to those around us, especially when we are quite affected by our symptoms.
In line with recent research Dr Jonathan White and Professor George Jelinek discuss the risks of eating meat, not only to general health but for specific medical conditions.
Start 2022 with some helpful and achievable advice around the Overcoming MS program, and generally staying well when living with MS.
There are so many dairy-free options available that avoiding dairy doesn't need to mean that you miss out on the food you love.
Dr Jonathan White explains the latest research on the Epstein-Barr virus as a cause of multiple sclerosis.
Sue writes about her MS journey, sharing her thoughts on how to enjoy the benefits of OMS, wherever you start from.
We've put together a collection of our recipes that would be perfect for meals over the festive season.
Take a look through the most popular blogs of 2021. Let us know in the comments below if your favorite made the top 10!
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