Read the latest Overcoming MS news, blogs and stories. Discover ideas and inspiration to help you live well with MS.
A common question raised on the Overcoming MS forum is ‘how long will it take?’ How long until I am ‘cured’ of multiple sclerosis?
Profile of the charismatic Linda Bloom, Chair of the Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis charity
Research from the University of Pennsylvania has concluded that there is a high incidence of poor ability to identify taste by PwMS. Previous research indicated that 5% to 20% of people with MS experienced some kind of taste dysfunction, but…
A core part of the OMS Program, exercise for those with MS is recommended as vigorously as it can be conducted, for a minimum 20-30 minutes around five times per week.
Jose Segurado was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis two years ago. He had more than 40 lesions in the brain and spinal cord.
Cognitive issues, colloquially known as ‘Brain Fog’, are a common complaint of people with MS, with an estimated 70% of people progressing to report problems with thinking, concentration or memory.
The fear that I’m doing something 'wrong' creeps up especially when I’m having MS symptoms, but I know I’ve taken positive steps towards healing.
After being diagnosed with primary progressive MS (PPMS) and experiencing MS dropfoot, passionate climber Elzina believed that she would never run or reach the summit of a peak again. Discovering innovative new methods of exercise with the Overcoming MS Program…
Cambridge University has made a connection between MS and Vitamin D. identifying an important protein that is activated by Vitamin D.
My first inkling of multiple sclerosis came in 2001 when I had a pain behind one eye. The pain developed over a few days and a horrible darkness started to creep up from one corner.
In this study, the US researchers have shown that vitamin D3, the form that we have recommended to be taken in pill form, which is not the final form of vitamin D, in its own right has the effect of…
Does inflammation cause MS? A new study published online in Nature Neuroscience has suggested that this could be the case.
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